The Mother Complained Of Sore Nipples While Breast-feeding, How Menyikapinya?
Jakarta, especially for new moms, one of the frequent complaints submitted is nipple pain while breastfeeding. Hence, when there are relatives or friends who complain as it was, how good is it behave? We accept what the mother feels. When mom told me her nipples were sore while nursing, simply say ' Oh mother nipple pain Yes when the milk '. It restarted the perceived mother. So we dont mengiyakan, nor refutes the lactation counselor, said dr Wisdom Kurniasari MSM, CIMI Lactation Centers of Indonesia (Selasi). Dr. Wisdom added, by receiving then someone who is diadui by the mother not stated attitude agree or not agree with the statement. Because, only done with acceptance of what mom was feeling at the time. A response like this, said Dr. Wisdom important done so that mothers still feel confident. Then, the mother does not feel condemned but also not justified. If justified that breastfeeding can indeed make nipples sore, the mother can get the wrong information. Not impossible, false info thus making the mother reluctantly breastfeeding isn't it? While, if the mother blame by saying sentences that should be breastfeeding does not make the nipples hurts, I can feel her confidence down and reduced. Read also: Initially Chafed Nipples and BREAST MILK does not come out, it's a struggle of Mirza Nursing AnaknyaSetelah we accept, we chat again to dig into the history of nursing the mother until we discover the red ball so that we could give the relevant information and advice. Well, this red ball to find the needed training, so that it can be done by professionals such as counsellors. The way we listen to and study the condition of the mother and then give support, said dr Wisdom in discussion with. For the community, the acceptance of lay certainly can be done. Well, for further steps i.e. discovery of red ball then the giving of information and advice, can be obtained by referring to the mother for example lactation counselor. Don't forget, when there are good things that are done, give a compliment so that it could boost the confidence of the mother. While praised for example ' Gee mom great ya can still nursing although chafed nipples ', the mother can feel confident and feel well she got it right for ya. Although it chafed nipples that can happen due to adhesions breastfeeding is not good so it stays pelekatannya must dibenerin, that dont happen again chafed nipples, said Dr. Boon who also practices in three generations. Read also: Flat Nipple do not block any of These mothers Give BREAST MILK Exclusively (rdn/vit) jual kopi hijau
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