Senin, 09 Januari 2017

Delaying Pregnancy with proper birth control

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Delaying Pregnancy with proper birth control

There are various arguments why delay the next pregnancy mother someone after the first child was born. But, whatever his argument, things that need taken into account so that this delay arranging distance i.e. berjalanlancar pregnancy. Ideally, the distance when the antarkehamilan i.e. the 2nd annual.


The reasoning, as it is long enough (but not too long) to wake up preparedness, both physical, psychological or financial. In the first labor is done by way of a caesarean, so it is advised not to become pregnant again under a year, considering the delivery usually also at risk disesar. Due to the fault i.e action operation, so it takes longer physical break in the appeal of vaginal birth. About this antarkehamilan distance, one level of the Research Center for Disease Control and Prevention says, behold the distance antarkehamilan the ideal that is 18-24 MTHS. due to the mother's body has been returned in good condition.


The research also says, in a very close distance of pregnancy are at risk for the health of the fetus. This is the case if the distance antarkehamilan very much. The risk of both, including causing a baby born prematurely and low body weight. The ideal distance is not paying attention to the main charge is applicable for the 2nd pregnancy, but also the third pregnancy, and so on. It took also into account the aspect of your age. Pregnant at age 35 years old. or more makin increase their risks. Therefore, hitung-hitungan the distance this pregnancy may have to involve your age while taking into account the number of children is indeed planned. Use kontrasepsiUpaya set the distance of the pregnancy can be carried out using contraception or the cons the rencanasi Dodge rencanasi system in other words meeting on the egg and sperm.


There are various types of contraceptives that can be used. The effectiveness and suitability of the use semasing contraceptives will surely depend on the physical circumstances, lifestyle, routine, also discipline users. There are fitting to use birth control pills, there is also a more fitting with the syringe or the other. To know weather or not, should be fit-you need to choose and try a new first, then be in the know of what is fitting or not based on the change after that. All contraceptives could grab their effectiveness to 90-99%, certainly when worn with the right procedure. Birth control pills must be taken each day. Condoms must be used each time the associated intimately.


KB syringe given each month. the three-month or per. .. Once forgotten or ignored, its effectiveness could be shrinking or even did not manage to avoid conception. Well, below are some contraceptives (alkon) who can make a choice. Pill KBUntuk masihlah mothers breastfeeding, use the pill because progesterone is not to squeeze the BREAST MILK production to keep prolactin can overflow. Should be drunk everyday. The risks are: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, swelling in the face. SuntikanProses injection can be done three bln. once by a doctor or midwife. Beginner groups call it with depo provera KB. Risk: give the weight of the body. IUD (Intra Uterine Device) cannot interfere with the production of breast milk.


Its use can achieve 4-5 years. The risks are: vaginal discharge, menstrual cycle is disrupted, or the incidence of bleeding a little sometimes coupled heartburn. KondomBerfungsi inhibits sperm and egg meeting. The risks are: there is a natural latex condom allergies, such as the shape of the problem of irritation in the vaginal wall. SusukDisusupkan/implant under the skin of the upper arm in the side. The risks are: there is not much bleeding, hair loss, menstrual or not. Contraceptive alamiMemberikan ASI exclusive way without any liquid/food of any kind in infants, especially at 6 MTHS. First, avoid the occurrence of pregnancy. However, its effectiveness was less assured. Speaker: Dr. h. Agus Sunarto, Sp. OG, of RSIA Muhammadiyah Garden Puring, Jakarta

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